Lime Tree Primary Academy recognises the definition of Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND) described in the Special Educational Needs & Disability Code of Practice 2014.
A child has special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.
A child has a learning difficulty or disability if they:
Children are not considered to have a special educational need if they speak English as an additional language.
Our SEND Process – guide for parent
Our ethos is inclusive and we work hard with families and with outside agencies to ensure the best possible educational outcomes for all of our children, irrespective of their level of need. Our objectives are:
Children’s SEND are generally thought of in the following four main areas;
Special educational needs and disabilities are categorised in this way in order to allow our school to plan for provision accordingly.
In keeping with our inclusive ethos, we try to ensure that children receive support and intervention within class wherever possible. This support may take the form of teacher or teaching assistant support on a 1:1 or small group basis. It may also take the form of differentiated or hands-on tasks.
Some interventions do have to be undertaken out of the classroom and these will be integrated into the school day in order to minimise disruption to children’s learning. Interventions that are undertaken out of the classroom are speech and language plans, rehabilitation work and also booster sessions.
Our school is located in a new building, consisting of four main pavilions. The whole building is on the lower ground with no steps, therefore access for all should not be an issue. We also have two disabled toilets, both with a shower.
In order to support parents of children with SEND, our school is required to produce an SEND Information Report. This report details information about what is on offer for parents and children with SEND at our academy.
SEND Information Report – new layout under construction
Full SEND Information Report available for download below
SEND Information Report – new layout under construction
Full SEND Information Report available for download below
SEND Information Report
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy
Accessibility Plan
Our SEND Information Report forms part of Trafford’s Local offer. The full local offer of services available in Trafford can be found via the Trafford Directory – please see the link below, or by contacting the Family Information Service on 0161 912 1053
SEND – Trafford’s Local Offer
Parents can receive extra support and advice from The Trafford Parents Forum, who work in partnership with parents and professionals in the key areas that affect them and children with special needs. This can vary from a cup of coffee, the opportunity to meet other parents, leaflets and information to invitations to training events and conferences.
Trafford Parents Forum
Please also see our incredible resource for our whole school community, a PADLET page with a vast array of links and resources for any children who may have additional needs. Please visit the link to Lime Tree Primary Wellbeing PADLET here:
Lime Tree Primary Wellbeing Team – PADLET
If you have any queries or would like any further information, either general or specific, please do not hesitate to contact me.